
Friday, August 7, 2015

Yolanda's Scrapbuster

This is a true scrapbuster.
Nooooo! you shriek. The harmony, the colour palette, the meticulous planning - how could it possibly be a scrapbuster? 
Yes, it is. Honest. I just bought one single skein and the rest were fished out of my stash. I'd love to say that it made a significant bite into my bag(s) of yarn, but ...
... it didn't. I could make another - even wilder - blanket without leaving the living room. Let's change the subject.

This blanket will probably go to a colleague's daughter, who loved my blankets and asked for a Kuscheldecke (a cuddly blanket). She likes bright colours. (Of course, she might change her mind when she sees this.) Washed and dried, it'll be packed up and passed on, so I can move to the next project without a guilty conscience.

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