
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Where do I crochet? (= Where do I NOT crochet?)

When and where do I craft? Always and everywhere! I hate wasting time - I feel a subconscious pressure on me all the time to make the most of every minute. I don't know why my inner sandclock is on overdrive, but I feel the pressing need to always being DOING stuff. If there is a chance that I'll be made wait anywhere or for anything, I generally have a skein of yarn and a hook hidden in my handbag.

See, you have to be prepared, bloggers! Inspiration is everywhere!
Yesterday when I was in town I spotted egg warmers in one of those shops that specialises in selling all kinds of knick-knackery that no one needs. Mr Gingerbread was standing behind me looking painedly patient, exuding martyrdom and muttering under his breath in English so only I would understand his displeasure ("Only women buy stuff in these shops. This stuff is all useless. Who needs a purple plastic boiled-egg slicer? Use a knife! And what's that? An automatic cocktail shaker? Pick the darned thing up and shake it yourself!" etc.) Anyway, I spotted bunny rabbit egg warmers and I was smitten. Smitten, I tell you. Which is quite odd, because I don't eat boiled eggs as a rule, and hiding them under little hats doesn't make them more appetising to me. But I was still inspired. (Actually, at first I was more indignant at the fact that you had to pay €3 for a bunny egg warmer. For a couple of minutes Mr G and I formed a chorus of grumbles at the con-artistry of making someone pay €3 for an egg warmer. You could buy two dozen eggs for that! Eat your egg up and stop messing about, then you'll have no need for an egg warmer! Etc.)

Home we went and while Mr G tucked into a conciliatory icecream (easily appeased, that man) I started crocheting - yes, at the table. Even as he was unwrapping his Snickers icecream, I had my wool lined up and was sharpening my hook (metaphorically.) And thus the Killer Bunny Egg Warmers came to life. Scary, eh? (Sorry, but they're so ridiculous, they just make me laugh. They're getting an extra-big photo, just for that.)

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