
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Booboos and Ooopsies

I had a fantastic idea: I'd use my Realta pattern crochet the motifs in sock yarn, to create a stained-glass window effect. I dug out all the tiny little balls of sock yarn that I had and, in the last few evenings just before going to bed, I made an octagon or two. Or seventeen. Plus a septagon ... by accident. Naturally, I didn't notice this before sewing them together. Don't ask me how. I might have noticed it sooner if it had been at the centre of the piece, but as luck would have it, it was at the edge and already firmly sewn into place when it occured to me that it looked a bit odd. Can you spot it?

Yes - kind of obvious now, isn't it? Anyway, as we all know, crochet is a very forgiving craft and a bit of creative sewing allowed me to line up the sides of the errant septagon and tease it into line with its eight-sided neighbour. (Evil chuckle).

And there we have it - a nice, bright cushion displaying my perfect craftswomanship (another evil chuckle.)

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