
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Product and Process - The Crochet Factory

Heather posted a comment on my last entry, wondering what happens to all the stuff I produce - why I don't keep them. She pointed out (quite rightly) that I'm quite speedy on the old hook, but why does so little of what I produce end up in my own home?

This is A Very Good Question and has made me think quite a bit these last few days (thank you, Heather!). Now, some of you are probably hoping that I will reveal a back room a-brim with underpaid German grannies, churning out crocheted squares at the speed of light. Sadly, no - I am, quite simply, very fast. I've been crocheting since I was a child, so I've had a lot of practice, and I use most of my sitting time to crochet. If I'm going to watch a film, I expect to get at least two hours of solid handicrafts done in that time.

The other thing is that I am a Process Crafter. Yes, there is a term for it. I learnt about it on Susie's blog (where, over the course of the past year, I have also been enlightened, Renaissance-woman style, on a variety of issues from soap-making to stalking cats - that is, cats that stalk, as opposed to how one should stalk a cat). Some people make things because of the pleasure of the final product; others - like me - make things because they enjoy the process. I like my blankets and my cushions and my scarves, but I never make them with me in mind: I make them because I like the colours, the pattern, the excitement of seeing something come together under my fingers. Take this blanket, for example:

Aargh! My eyes! My eyes!
It's very similar to the scrapbuster I've just finished and it's for a friend's 40th birthday. I must admit that starting the same pattern directly after finishing the last was a bad idea, because I'm finding it a bit tedious. Not least because I bought myself this book

I can't quilt. But even looking at this cover makes me want to. I want to start sewing pieces of material together now!
and I have a feeling it will Change My Life - or, if I am to be realistic, will fill me up with all kinds of fantastic ideas for new patterns. I haven't even looked inside it yet, I am saving it up for the perfect moment, and the anticipation is a delight. My cup doth brimeth over with excitement and potential.

In any case, despite the fact that this blanket has to be finished by the 20th February and I'm a bit sick and tired of making squares and I'd really like to read my new book and try something else, the danger that this blanket will become a massive chore is mitigated by the thrill of seeing it get bigger, and the improbable realisation that all of those crazy reds, oranges, yellows, pinks and purples actually work together in an eye-popping way, creating a blanket for a winter birthday, for a person who loves all things bright and sunshine-y.

And to stave off the boredom of excessive squaring, I'm knitting baby hats for a friend on the side.
Yes, I'm telling you - I'm fast.

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