
Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm Back!

I'm sorry for my absence, readers, but the Forces of Evil (my bank manager, my mortgage, my day job) engaged my time and attention elsewhere. Perhaps I should add that my bank manager is a sweetheart, my mortgage is reasonable and I love my job. But having to leave the house to do the last, in order to pay the second and, thus, keep the first happy is rather tiresome. Frankly, I have better things to do.

My colleagues and I were discussing this today: if you won the lottery, would you give up your job?
Well, would you, readers?
I would, more or less. I'd continue to teach four classes a week and they would be so well prepared that students would weep and applaud me at the end of the lesson. Trainee teachers would be sent into my classroom to watch me sweep across the expanse of the classroom and engage students on a level that could best - perhaps only - be described as inspirational. My grammatical explanations using blackboard drawings of stickmen would reach dizzy heights of perfection.
Then I'd have my chauffeur drive me home, so I could have a nap after my exertions.

I'd write to my heart's content. Your blog rolls would be on fire, readers!

And read a lot of Fat, Interesting Books, so I could discuss them with my father, my partner in The Perusal of Fat, Interesting Books. We're in the process of solving a number of burning social issues, but I feel I need more study. As you can see below, I am very interested in history. Nothing like a 2000-year catalogue of human bumbling to put things in perspective.

And I'd crochet. Well, I'd crochet more, obviously.

You might have noticed on the top right-hand side of the page that there's a little button under 'Patterns For Sale' - I have actually got my act together and prepared my Réalta pattern for sale. And, eeek, people (real people, people not related to me) have actually bought it (the people related to me would have to buy it as well, except they spent a week falling over the darned afghan in Ireland and have had their fill of it).

But that's old news - no sooner is it off the hook than I'm on to my next project. What about something like this?

The idea is that you could make a nice little blanket with rows of little hearts. Wouldn't that be cute? I'm still at the stage where I'm trying to extract a rather vague and inexact idea in my head and create a physical prototype. This is as far as I've got but, all things considered, it's not a bad start.

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