
Friday, August 7, 2015

Granny Square Update

This is what I've been looking at all week: the Reproachful Yarn Basket ("Why are you ignoring me? Why won't you pick up your hooks and do something nice?")

All the work I'd left behind when I went to Ireland was still there when I returned. Despite my wishes and finger-crossing, the Housework Fairies had not visited to do my laundry. And the Correction Fairies hadn't bothered to turn up and correct my students' exams. Very, very selfish, don't you think?

But yesterday I managed to do some frenzied granny squaring, and now I have two cushion covers sewn together and a beautiful little stack of colourful grannies waiting to follow a similar fate. Aren't they just luverly?

All I have to do now is sew the backs on to my cushion covers, which will be tonight's project. So stay tuned to find out what will happen to my gorgeous granny squares...

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