
Friday, August 7, 2015

General Hookery

Why, hello there. Nice of you to stop by! Life in the Gingerbread Household is ticking over: we've evicted the pigeons, Mr Gingerbread emptied the dregs of the compost bin into our flowerbed and now the house stinks of manure (strange that, because the bin was full of vegetable waste and coffee grinds, yet the entire house now smells like a slurry pit), and I've been crocheting away between exams and conferences.

This is what I'm up to: nine-patch granny squares, to use up tiny balls of wool that I had left over from various projects. At the moment it looks like something a clown crocheted - I think the multicolour edging is a bit too much. Or de trop, as I would say in the alterate universe where I drop French words into everyday conversation and people think that it's quite cool (pretentious, moi? Pas de tout!)

And I'd like to start another Réalta because the other two were fun to do. These are my chosen colours:

... but sadly the first few octagons look absolutely horrible and mismatched  - so much so that I won't post a photo yet or it might taint your weekend. Suffice to say that I shall perservere because the interesting thing about this blanket is that you really don't know how it will finally look till you've sewn the last motifs together. And I like an element of danger (thankfully this is the maximum amount of danger in my life at present. And that's plenty, thanks a million.)

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